Unleash the Power of Configurable, Distributed In-Memory Storage
SugarDB is a highly configurable, distributed, in-memory data store and cache implemented in Go. It can be imported as a Go library or run as an independent service.
SugarDB aims to provide a rich set of data structures and functions for manipulating data in memory. These data structures include, but are not limited to: Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, and more.
SugarDB provides a persistence layer for increased reliability. Both Append-Only files and snapshots can be used to persist data in the disk for recovery in case of unexpected shutdowns.
Replication is a core feature of SugarDB and is implemented using the RAFT algorithm, allowing you to create a fault-tolerant cluster of SugarDB nodes to improve reliability. If you do not need a replication cluster, you can always run SugarDB in standalone mode and have a fully capable single node.
SugarDB aims to not only be a server but to be importable to existing projects to enhance them with SugarDB features, this capability is always being worked on and improved.
Some key features offered by SugarDB include:
- TLS and mTLS support for multiple server and client RootCAs.
- Replication cluster support using the RAFT algorithm.
- ACL Layer for user Authentication and Authorization.
- Distributed Pub/Sub functionality with consumer groups.
- Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, Lists and more.
- Persistence layer with Snapshots and Append-Only files.
- Key Eviction Policies.